Mystical Journey
“Mystical Journey” is an abstract featuring a blend of primarily hues of green, ellow and blue with subtle touches of purple and black. The composition of overlapping layers and swirling patterns creates a sense of movement and depth. The texture and details can be seen by clicking through the various pictures, two of which show close-ups of sections of the painting.
8” x 6” on quality watercolor paper, ready for matting and framing. Mat and framing in the example shown not included; shown only for display purposes.
“Mystical Journey” is an abstract featuring a blend of primarily hues of green, ellow and blue with subtle touches of purple and black. The composition of overlapping layers and swirling patterns creates a sense of movement and depth. The texture and details can be seen by clicking through the various pictures, two of which show close-ups of sections of the painting.
8” x 6” on quality watercolor paper, ready for matting and framing. Mat and framing in the example shown not included; shown only for display purposes.
“Mystical Journey” is an abstract featuring a blend of primarily hues of green, ellow and blue with subtle touches of purple and black. The composition of overlapping layers and swirling patterns creates a sense of movement and depth. The texture and details can be seen by clicking through the various pictures, two of which show close-ups of sections of the painting.
8” x 6” on quality watercolor paper, ready for matting and framing. Mat and framing in the example shown not included; shown only for display purposes.